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PZC Minutes 09-13-2011
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, Mario Marrero, Elizabeth Kuehnel
ALTERNATES PRESENT:       Kevin Foley, Gary Pitcock
STAFF PRESENT:          Michele Lipe, Town Planner
                Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer

  • Appl. 11-27P, Jonathan Chuck – (Chuck Zoning amendment II) – request to amend the zoning regulations to add “Residential Care Home (Facility)” to Table 3.1.1.A Residential Zones as a special exception use in RR and A-40 zones; to add same use to Article 10 Definitions, amend Section 6.1.1 Applicability to add Residential Care Home (Facility),  amend Table 6.5.7A – Signs Permitted in Single Family Residential Districts and add Section 7.20 Residential Care Home (Facility)
  • Appl. 11-25P, Paschetto Major Home Occupation – request for a 5-year renewal for an electrolysis office on property located at 89 Glenwood Road, A-30 zone
Kathy Paschetto came before the commission to request a renewal of the 5 year permit to operate an electrolysis office on 89 Glenwood Road.  
Lipe gave the following Planning report.
This is an application for the renewal of a 5-year major home occupation permit to operate an electrolysis office at 89 Glenwood Road, A-30 zone. This is the applicant’s second renewal.
At the time of the original application, the applicant indicated that she would have up to 10 clients a day.
In approving the original application, the PZC placed several conditions on the original approval including:
Operation of this salon is restricted to the present owner;
Hours of operation are limited to Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.; Sunday and Monday closed.
Public sewer and water serve the existing house.
The parking requirement is being met within the existing driveway.
The applicant has a 2 square foot wooden sign on the light post on the property.
If this application is approved, the applicant would also be required to return to this Commission for renewal upon expiration of the 5-year permit period.
No engineering comments.  
No public participation.  The public hearing was closed at 7:40.
  • Appl. 11-24P, Evergreen Walk LLC - Request for a modification to~General~Plan of Development~layout associated with existing Special Exception, ~Application #07-42P, which was approved on October 7, 2007~ [including 200 residential dwelling units and associated facilities], and Final Plan approval, both pursuant to Section 4.2.15~to include: relocation of residential~structures [totaling 203,447 square feet]; 109,755 square feet of commercial space [121 hotel rooms (71,550 square feet)]; general commercial space (9,800 square feet); office space (28,405 square feet)]; to be completed in two phases and to be located on a portion of 151 Buckland Road [within "Evergreen Walk"~ ~including portions of Units 6 and 7], and being approximately 1,200 feet west of Buckland Road and 400 feet north of Smith Street; ~Buckland Road Gateway Development Zone.
Chris Smith, Land use Attorney with Shipman & Goodwin came before the commission on behalf of Evergreen Walk LLC requesting approval to 1)modify a General Plan of Development that the Commission approved in 2007, 2) modify a special exception approval that the Commission approved in 2007 and
3) Approve a final plan of development as presented in the application for site plan approval which final plan is consistent with the General Plan and Special Exception that is before the Commission.  This process is required by the Buckland Road Gateway Development Zone district regulations.    The purpose of these applications is to permit a mixed used development of real property known as the Town Square at Evergreen Walk. The mixed use development complies with the Buckland Road Gateway Regulations as recently amended by the commission in July of 2011.  The application also satisfies the criteria for the general plan of development and special exceptions approval as provided by section 6.3 and 8.4.  The development provides for 1.8:1 ratio for residential to commercial square footage.

Attorney Smith introduced the team as follows. Alan Lamson, Architect and Planner, FLB Architecture and Planning Inc., Phil Forsley, Professional Civil Engineer Fuss & O’Neil, Alan Pegion, Electrical Engineer with Fuss & O’Neil, Thomas Tavella,  Landscape Architect, Fuss & O’Neil and Steven F. Mitchell, Traffic Engineer, URS.  

Attorney Smith submitted a packet for the record (Exhibit I).

Smith mentioned that the General Plan application that is before the commission proposes the same uses and the same square footage that was previously approved by the commission in 2007.  The only difference is that the current proposal provides for stand alone residential buildings with no commercial on the first floor of any residential building which is now allowed according to the recent zone text amendment approved in July of 2011.   The reason that the applicant advocated for the zone text amendment was because
Evergreen was unable to market the development as it was approved in 2007 with the commercial use on the first floor of a residential building.

Alan Lamson, President of FLB Architecture & Planning Inc. went over the General Plan changes.  The General plan has been modified by shifting some of the office and some of the commercial around and adding office that was not originally in the 2007 General Plan.  One of the hotels has been moved to Town Square. Overall the square footage on the site has not been changed.  The proposal is in conformance with the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development.  This project is part of a vision for mixed use development and an enhancement to Evergreen Walk and to the Town.  The mixed uses that are proposed are appropriate for the Buckland Gateway Development zone.  The plan of development shows the area as a future land use of economic development.  No additional curb cuts will be created on Buckland Road by this development; all of the access to and from the site is within the site.  This application is preserving the natural resources and retaining characteristics of the surrounding areas.  All the zoning regulations have been met.  The project will help to support business development in the area that is consistent with the character of the Town, will promote pedestrian linkages both between public spaces and residential areas and Evergreen Walk.  

To that end, the plan shows a stronger pedestrian connector from the exiting development to the new development.  A concrete paved sidewalk will be installed to connect these.  The existing rain garden will not be disturbed.  By installing a pedestrian connector it will accommodate the pedestrians so they can get around the site safely.  The buffering has no adverse impacts on surrounding uses.  The character of the neighborhood, which is commercial is being maintained and enhanced by this development and also adding additional commercial use.  The physical appearance of the site is compatible with surrounding developments.  

The Town’s Architectural Design & Review Committee has found that the design of the structures proposed is aesthetically pleasing and a benefit to the overall development.  Retail development and additional retail could occur.  There is no change to the approved uses or the approved square footage, the number of hotel units proposed to the number of residential units that this Commission has already approved.  Vehicular connections will be made to the site and reviewed by the traffic engineer.  The parking lot has been modified to close off a curb cut that was close to the intersection.  

The amount of open space is at least 35%.  The Town Square is and active urban space it has large lawn areas, pedestrian pathways and walkways, and landscaping.  There will be community activities within that area.  The small portion of the wetlands area is about 30,000 sq feet and will be used as part of the open space. There is a path on the north side of the retention basin and the applicant plans to construct a 5 ft wide woodchip biking pathway around it.  There will also be a short trail that goes in a loop and into the wooded area shown on the plans.  This pathway will be completed when phase I is completed.  In total the plan provides for over 180,000 square feet of open space.  Phase II will include another woodchip trail that will eventually be connected to all the side walks of Town Square.

There are two residential buildings proposed on Town Square. The building on the southwest side will contain 108 residential units, and the building on the northeast side will contain 92 residential units.  The south east side will contain the hotel and a small commercial building along the hotel.  On the northwest side of the site the plans show 28,400 sq ft of office condos.  The applicant proposes to resubmit to ADRC for architectural review of the buildings for phase II once they have the design.  

On the phasing plan, phase I will include the southwest residential building and the hotel.  Phase II will include the northeast residential building, the office condos, the building in Town Square and the second commercial building adjacent to the hotel.  

The parking lot for the residential buildings is large enough to provide for at least one parking space for every residential unit and will be gated so that only the residents have access to that parking.  There’s additional parking on Town Square for additional vehicles that will not be gated.  The exterior of the building is all materials that are low maintenance.  At least 25% of the exterior is masonry.  The entire exterior is either brick stone or hardy plank material, a man made cement fiber composite.  There’s virtually no maintenance to the exterior.  All of the exterior materials on the buildings meet the zoning requirements.  All the roofs are pitched and all of the mechanicals will be covered.  The amenities include a trash shoot on the bottom floor is where the trash receptacle will be located; trash pick up would wheel it out to be picked up by the truck.  The utilities will be at the two corners and the water meters will be internal to the buildings.  The gas meters will be located in small exterior yards with a structure around them. The buildings meet the standards for the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Connecticut Building Code regarding disability. The buildings have multiple elevators that provide access to all the floors; all of the units are either accessible or adaptable units.  The building has a mail room that the postal service will have access to.  There are common areas where residents can gather.  The interior materials include carpet, hard wood floors, and ceramic tile.  The walls are wood paneling or vinyl.  The ceilings are high which will allow for crown molding.  The units range from 1 bedroom units 845 sq f to the 2 bedroom units 1100 and 1160 sq ft.  Some 2 bedroom units have a study and those units range from 1500 sq ft to 1750 sq ft. The one bed room units will be in the $1400-$1700 range.  The 2 bedroom units will be in the $1800-$2100 range.  The applicant does not have the design for the office condos or the commercial buildings for phase II this will come in at a later date.  At the end of phase II once the hotel and the residential building is completed, the ratio for residential to commercial will be 1.5:1 which is lower that the maximum 2:1 that is allowed.  

Phil Forszley, professional civil engineer Fuss & O’Neil went over the drainage on the site as well as other improvements  The applicant is proposing to extend Evergreen Way down to the west along side ECHN and connect to Tamarack Ave.  Since at this time the applicant is not sure what the development will look like for the location next to LA Fitness, a temporary road will be created for vehicle access from Deming Street over to the Town Square area that can eventually be shifted.  Their will be a pedestrian crossing and a pedestrian connection with LLBean.  (Exhibit II)  

Kennedy appointed Pitcock to sit for Wilson and Foley to sit for Sorenson.

Alan Pegion, Electrical Engineer with Fuss & O’Neil went over the lighting plan.  The lighting will be matching the fixtures that are currently used at the Shops at Evergreen Walk.  The fixtures will meet the Towns zoning requirements.  The lighting on the site will be residential scale lighting in the Town Square area taller polls will be used in the parking lots.  In the Town Square area taller poles will be used in the parking lots.

Thomas Tavella, Landscape architect Fuss & O’Neil went over the furnishings and the plantings on the site.  The residential buffer area to the south is about 300 feet from the closest residential building.  The site plan shows 200’ of undisturbed existing vegetation. (Exhibit III)

Steven F. Mitchell, Traffic Engineer URS, went over the traffic report.  The original traffic study for Evergreen Walk General Plan was prepared by Mitchell in April of 2001 and was approved by the PZC Commission and the State Traffic Commission. Some modifications were made in 2007 to allow the residential development and some additional retail and office uses.  The State Traffic Commission approval was extended until 2012.  The new traffic study was completed with new information.  The study determined that the improvements on Tamarack will still be necessary.  Staff would like to see pedestrian phasing. (See Exhibit IV)
Attorney Smith discussed the phasing sequence for the Final Plan. (Attachment A)
Lipe had the following Planning report.

This is a request to update 2007 General Plan of Development and modify the approved special exception for the 200 residential units as well as a request for Final Site plan approval for the Development Area Plan showing the new mixed use area, for property located at 151 Buckland Road, Buckland Road Gateway Development Zone.
Changes proposed to the General Plan and Special Exception includes the layout of the residential buildings and future commercial development of the southern portion of the site. The approved square footages for the entire general plan have remained the same since the 2007 approval and are listed on page 1 of the General Plan.  
Full build-out of the entire parcel includes:
  • 725,000 sq ft of retail space; 550,000 sq ft of office space; 200 residential dwelling units; Two Hotels with a total of 250 in two, 4-story buildings; and parking “decks” to create 2-level parking. General Plan approvals are valid for up to five years.
Some concerns raised in the last general plan approval included:
  • Roadway improvements, which may include new road corridor(s);
  • Pedestrian access across Buckland Road
  • Traffic calming on Tamarack Avenue
  • Completion of Tamarack Avenue prior to approval/construction of a second phase of residential construction.
This modified General Plan and specifically the site plan incorporate some of these improvements including pedestrian access across Buckland Road and a temporary interconnection between Evergreen Way (behind LA Fitness) to Tamarack Ave in the vicinity of the ECHN buildings.
Approval conditions placed on the 2007 general plan update included:
  • Site Plan of Development approval is required prior to construction, per Section 4.2.15.D of the zoning regulations. Construction phasing must be included on the Site Plan of Development if appropriate.
  • No building permits will be issued until any required STC approval has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
The State Traffic Commission has approved the original general plan with associated improvements as mentioned by the applicant.  The applicants will be returning to STC to modify their approval.  A modified STC approval would need to be in place prior to issuance of building permits.
The applicant’s request to modify the existing Special Exception for the 200 housing units showing units comes as a result of changes in the multi-family requirements recently adopted by the Commission. Section now permits residential units to be constructed without commercial space on the first floor provided they are a part of a Development Area Plan with a 2:1 ratio of residential to commercial development.
The proposal for the Development Area Plan includes:
  • 200 residential dwelling units totaling 203,447 square feet with 108 units in the first phase and the remaining 92 units in phase 2;
  • 109,755 square feet of commercial space including a 121 room hotel with a total of 71,550 square feet in phase 1;
  • two commercial buildings totaling 9,800 square feet; and office space totaling 28,405 square feet shown as a part of phase 2.
The residences and the hotel are proposed as 4 story buildings and the office buildings and retail building within this area are proposed to be one or two stories.
The development is proposed to be constructed in two phases and a phasing plan has been included. Phase 1 contains 108 residential units with less than 50% of those units as one bedroom units as required per the regulations.  The hotel is also proposed as a part of phase 1.
As required in section, the applicant has presented their proposal and schedule to meet the 2:1 residential to commercial ratio as the phasing and project progresses. A “Table of Ratios and Uses”, the construction timeline, and proposed phasing narrative as presented to the Commission this evening addresses this regulation.  The PZC will need to determine if they are comfortable with the proposal and incorporate such language as a part of their approval.
Maximum impervious coverage allowed for the entire site is 60%, 26.2% shown with this development. It appears that all other bulk zoning requirements have been met.
The required parking for this development area is 646 spaces, with 683 spaces being provided. The parking breakdown has been shown on sheet CS 101.  All off-street parking is shown distributed around building as required. In addition, the residential units will have a certain number of spaces that are part of a gated lot. The interior landscaping requirement is being met with 13% interior parking lot landscaping.
A 75-foot buffer is required along residential zone boundaries and has been shown on the development plan in addition to the required setback line.  The buffer requirements are being met with the existing vegetation on site.   A detailed landscaping plan has been submitted calling out the specific species of trees and plants with sizes proposed.
The Open Space requirement for the residential development is 750 sf for each residential unit. This calculation is reflected on sheet LP-101. It is the applicant’s intent to meet this requirement by providing the town green, a trail system adjacent to the residential area and extending west on the site and dedication of an open area of wetlands.  I would note that the revised regulation only allows 20% of the dedicated open space to be regulated wetlands; they are showing 17% of the open space as wetlands.
With phase 1, the open space includes the establishment of the town green and the wood-chipped trail system on the southerly side of the residential area. We have suggested the trail be a minimum of 5 feet in width.  With phase 2 of the residential development, the trail will be extended to the west around the new created detention areas.
Pedestrian access has been provided throughout the site with two connections being made to the existing Shops.  They have also indicated that bike racks and benches throughout their site. Crosswalks and the addition of a pedestrian phase to the existing light at the Buckland Road and Tamarack Ave intersection is shown. We feel this will provide an opportunity for residents and/or workers to access the bus line and other shopping opportunities in the area.
As previously discussed by the applicant, there are some road and signal improvements being incorporated into these plans. The town staff had met early on with the applicant about specific site concerns and also retained the services of Jim Bubaris of Bubaris Traffic Associates to do a peer review of the proposed road and pedestrian improvements.  A will submit his report for the record.
Specific concerns we asked the developer to address include the completion of the sidewalk connection on the south side of Tamarack from the new development up to tie in with the existing sidewalk; the completion of the inter connection with pedestrian access behind LA Fitness to Tamarack Ave. We also asked them to incorporate safety improvements for the pedestrian crossing at Tamarack Ave. and Evergreen Way. After conferring with our traffic consultant and the Chief of Police, we support the use of the blinking light at that intersection in lieu of a four-way stop sign. I would note that with Jim Bubaris’ report, a cut sheet of this light has been provided. Staff would request an approval condition that its effectiveness be evaluated prior to the issuance of the final CO’s in phase 2.  
The Architecture and Design Review Committee reviewed this application on September 1 has forwarded a favorable recommendation.  They were pleased with the design presented. They did request that the architectural elevations for commercial building in Phase 2 must return to the Committee for review prior to the start of construction and it has been so noted on the plans.
There are regulated wetlands on the site. IWA/CC approved the site plan with conditions on 5/18/11 and required the following bonds:
  • $50,000 to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls; $50,000 for construction of stormwater systems; and $30,000 for wetland plantings.
Public water and sewer are available. WPCA approval will be required.
The Fire Marshal’s and Fire Chief’s Office have been working with the applicant on the layout of the roadways.  Based on revised plans the Fire Chief has the following request:
  • A hydrant on the West side of Residential Building B.
  • A hydrant on the North side of Residential Building C.
  • Clarification of the temporary road will be completed behind the hotel in phase one.
The Town of Manchester has been notified that this application is pending, as required by State statute.
If this application is approved, in addition to modifications already mentioned, the Planning Dept. requests the following:
  • the updated General Plan and Special Exception be filed on the land records;
  • the zoning data table should include all zoning requirements and filed on the land records with the Final Development Area Plan;
  • the phasing plan should clearly delineate the open space areas to be constructed with each phase.
Doolittle had an Engineering report as follows,

  • What will the ring road be named?  How will these buildings be addressed?  
  • Provide a plan to keep the existing trunk sanitary sewer line active while constructing and connecting the two realigned portions of the trunk sewer line for this project.  This may involve bypass pumping at times and that should be clearly noted.  
  • Provide a profile of the 2 relocated sewer segments as compared to the existing sewer segments.  One segment of the proposed new trunk sewer lines is shown at 0.3% slope which is very flat.  This sewer should have at least 0.5% slope.   
  • The Utility Plan sheets show the new trunk sewer lines as 15” diameter PVC pipe.  The existing trunk line sewer is 12” diameter PVC pipe according to the as-built plans.  The new trunk sewer lines should be the same size and pipe material as the existing trunk sewer lines unless there is a reason not to do this.  
  • Provide estimated sewer flows from this proposed development and velocity calculations to demonstrate the pipes are sized and sloped adequately.  
  • The sewer building laterals need to be clearly labeled on the plans with the pipe sizes and slopes.  Show the sanitary manholes on Sheet CG-102.
  • SMH 40 needs to be moved into the ring road so it is always accessible for maintenance.  This is part of the trunk line sewer that the Town maintains.  
  • Sanitary sewer manholes need to have Standard TOSW frames and covers in paved areas and standard TOSW frames with locking covers in grass areas.  The details for these frames and covers should be in the plan sheets.  
  • Provide an easement to the Town for the relocated sections of trunk line sewer.  
  • Will both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the site preparation plan be completed before any other site work begins?  This should be clearly stated.  
  • The sequence on the Phase 1 Site Preparation Plan needs to be expanded and clarified.  For example, it is not clear if the sanitary sewer or storm drainage is to be constructed first.  It is also not clear if the new trunk line sewer sections will be constructed at the same time or at different times.  Several of the numbered steps have a lot of items in them that should be broken out into more steps.  
  • There should be notes regarding excavating and filling the existing detention basin as shown.  Any sediment and/or organic muck should be removed to good subsoil and the fill material should be specified (ie granular fill or gravel) and installed in layers that are thoroughly compacted.     
  • The existing sedimentation structure at the end of the 36 inch drain pipe that comes down Tamarack Avenue should be relocated along with this 36 inch drain pipe so it will still provide storm water treatment of this drainage system.  
  • The storm water drainage, sanitary sewer and other utilities cross the Phase 1-2 line in this project.  What utilities will be constructed as part of Phase 1 and where and how they will be left for Phase 2 needs to be clarified.  
  • There are many places where the sidewalks are up against the ring road, driveways or parking spaces.  These sidewalks should to be set back at least 4 feet from the face of curb or made at least 5 or 6 feet wide to provide sufficient separation between vehicles and pedestrians.  Most but not all the sidewalks are shown as 5 feet wide.  All the sidewalks should be at least 5 feet wide and this should be shown on the plans and details.  
  • The raised intersections and crosswalks are all stamped bituminous concrete.  The raised crosswalks (labeled RI) should be stamped Portland cement concrete similar to the rest of Evergreen Walk.  Stamped Portland Cement concrete makes a rougher surface that is more noticeable to drivers and is more durable.  
  • Show traffic controls and signage at all intersections within this development.  What will the posted speed limit be in this development?
  • There are several places where a wall and/or guardrail are shown near each other and near sidewalks.  Check to be sure there is sufficient room to install a guide rail by any walls and between any walls and sidewalks.  
  • Include a guide rail between the sidewalk and wall along Tamarack Avenue by the parking lot for Residential Building C.  
  • Provide a 4 foot high chain link fence along the top of any wall that abuts a sidewalk and has a drop greater than allowed by the building code (42 or 48 inches).  
  • Include a crosswalk across the beginning of the ring road (at the intersection with Tamarack Avenue) to a new handicap ramp and sidewalk on the southern side of Tamarack Avenue that connects to the sidewalks to the LL Bean site.  
  • The new median island on Tamarack Avenue by the crosswalk between the existing parking lot on the east side and parking for the new Hotel on the west side appears to stick out too far into this intersection.  Consider pulling the end of this median south 5 feet or so.  
  • The curb line for the reconfigured parking spaces in the existing parking lot to the north east of Tamarack Avenue needs to be drawn to the south to meet the existing curb.  The new curb in this parking lot needs to be labeled as Bituminous or Concrete Curb as required.  
  • I suggest installing a guide rail along the top of the wall proposed on the western portion of the site by the office condominiums.  
  • Show a detail for the proposed security gates into the parking areas for the two residential buildings and explain how these will work.  
  • Number the catch basins and storm manholes on the Detailed Grading Plans, as they are on the Profile sheet and drainage report.  
  • Show and label the guiderails and retaining walls on the Detailed Grading Plans.  
  • Sheet CG-104 shows a 12” HDPE pipe from the roof leaders from the Hotel connecting to the 36” HDPE drain pipe from Tamarack Ave as a blind tap at a bend.  This connection should be made at a drainage manhole at this location as indicated in the drainage report.  
  • A hydraulic analysis of the relocated and extended 36” drainage pipe from Tamarack Avenue needs to be included in the drainage report.  
  • Change the catch basin top to a Double Grate Type I on the south side of the ring road by Sta 3+20.  
  • There are several catch basins with multiple large pipes running in and out that may have to be changed to larger manholes to fit the large drainage pipes.  For example, a 36 inch pipe will not fit into the side of a standard catch basin.  Check that the pipes fit into the basins by Station 9+0 and between Sta 12 and 13 and others as shown and change these basins to oversized manholes as necessary.
  • Provide another catch basin on the west side of the ring road across from the basin by Sta 10+50 to collect water in this side of the road.  
  • Provide additional catch basins on the eastern curb line of the proposed median island in Tamarack Avenue across from existing CB #31, existing CB #26 and rebuild existing CB # 21 to line up with the median island curb.  
  • Provide a detail for the raised crosswalks and intersections.  The Detailed Grading Plans show short (maybe 2 foot long) ramps that lead up 6 inches onto these raised elements.  These ramps should be lengthened so they are not so steep.  
  • On Sheet CG-110 label the sections of the trunk line sanitary sewer to be removed or make these lighter shading.  
  • On Sheets CP-101 and CP-102, check to be sure all structures are labeled and these labels agree with the plan sheets.  There are several structures that are labeled incompletely or not at all.  
  • What is the design speed for the ring road?  The K values seem low, especially the K of 10 for the sag curve by Sta 20+60.  This curve needs to be lengthened.  
  • The ring road is flat (0.2% slope) between about Sta 14+70 and Sta 18.  I realize the road is super elevated in this area and has cross slope down to the north but this design may be problematic and there is not a good transition shown between the super elevated section and regular crowned section by Sta 19.  There should be more slope in this area or there may be big puddles here.  The ring road profile should be adjusted in this area to have slopes near 1% with a high point or low point between Sta. 16 and 17 and a typical crowned section.  
  • Why is there a break and vertical shift in the 36” HDPE at about Sta. 4+70?
  • On Sheet CI-502, the Class F concrete should be specified for the concrete sidewalks.  All handicap ramps need to have detectable warning strips in accordance with ADA guidelines.  Parking islands should have at least 5 foot radius on the noses.  
  • On Sheet CU-502 use the TOSW Standard Details for a Sanitary Sewer Manhole and Sanitary Sewer Trench.  Add a note that there shall be a minimum of 6 inches of clearance between a sanitary sewer and other pipes or utilities where they cross.  
  • Why are the detention basin outlet structures made from modified catch basins?  These should be standard type CL catch basins.  The dimensions shown for the tops of the outlet control structures do not add up correctly.  
  • The Roadway Widening Plan for Buckland Road and Tamarack Avenue is incomplete.  This plan needs to clearly show existing and proposed features including but not limited to curb lines, lane lines, sidewalks, catch basins, utilities and pavement markings.  Everything that needs to be removed or relocated must be shown and labeled.  Provide a minimum 4’-6” snow shelf from the face of curb to the front of any relocated sidewalks.  Include painted skip lines for the two left turn lanes from Buckland Road northbound onto Tamarack Avenue.  Include pedestrian crosswalks across Buckland Road, Tamarack Avenue and Lowes Driveway and make the necessary changes to the traffic signal phases and timing to accommodate pedestrian crossings.  
There was public participation as follows.
Gen. James Throwe, 1836 Main Street, Spoke in favor of the application mentioning that Evergreen Walk needs to grow and there is a need for these apartments.

Peter DeMallie, Peterson Way spoke in favor of the application mentioning that the hotel and apartments are much needed in the community.  

Bob Dickenson, 19 Birch Road, spoke in favor of this application and requested that the site be made bike and walker friendly.  

Matt Galligan, Town Manager, thanked the commission for changing the regulations.  This development is greatly needed.  Temporary housing is necessary to keep young professionals in Town.  Other communities are looking to build a similar type of development; South Windsor is ahead of the game.  It will keep the synergy going for Evergreen Walk by bringing more people to the area for shopping and restaurants.  It will be an economic boom to the community and provide tax dollars.  It will bring a balance to the community.  

Edwina Futner, resident spoke in favor of this application.  Ms. Futner agreed that this type of housing is vital and greatly needed in town.  

A letters was read into the record. (Exhibit A-D)

Commissioners had questions and comments.  Responses will be in italics.

  • Will the hotel have a restaurant in it?
No, it will have a breakfast bar for the occupants of the hotel.  
  • How will you tie in the hotel look with the residential look of the buildings?
The brick is what ties the hotel in with the residential; the hotel is a more contemporary style building.  The
hotel windows are aluminum.  The residential buildings have more of a New England style residential look.  
  • Commissioners did not like the style of the bike racks proposed for the site.
The bike racks were just a sample and can be changed to a different style.
  • Could the Pedestrian Crossing cause traffic to get backed up?
It will not cause any additional delays.
  • Did the applicant consider a gated entrance for the residential?
Attorney Smith responded that the trend is going away from gated communities, the plan for the site was to make it an open community where residents could walk to the area shops or restaurants.  

  • Commissioners asked the applicant what the surety was that phase II would be completed.
Attorney Smith responded that there can’t be a commercial component with out the residential component.  The commission is gaining the assurance that phase II will be completed from a practical marketing stand point by having the bond in place.  All the infrastructure and improvements have to be completed within phase II except for the office buildings before any certificate of occupancy is issued.  Twenty five percent of the commercial has to be completed with phase II and the entire infrastructure will be bonded.  The formula that the applicant and the Town came up with to complete the project was agreed upon and is doable.  

Mr. Lamson mentioned that to get to the 2:1 ratio, one of the commercial buildings does not have to be built.  Their will be at least 1 of the commercial buildings and one of the office condo’s built at to reach the 25% in phase II that has to be completed in order to get the Certificate of Occupancy on the residential building

  • Are the sidewalks adequate in size?
All the sidewalks will be 5ft.

  • Concerns with the loading and unloading of tractor trailers on site and asked if there was a designated area for this.
Mr. Mitchell responded that he’s never seen a dedicated place for unloading; from time to time a truck will come in to unload and should not be a big problem.

  • Concerns with losing parking space to snow
Doolittle responded that if front loaders are not used for snow removal they would end up losing parking spaces.  There are plenty of areas within the green area and outskirts of the development for snow shelf.  
  • Is their a school bus shelter planned for the site?
The applicant will comply with any board of education regulations on bus shelters and does not have a problem with installing one.
  • Commissioners asked about the lights on Buckland Road that were supposed to be synchronized
The lights were installed and were not maintained; some changes to the timing need to be made and should be inspected.

The public hearing was closed at 11:25 PM.  

  • Appl 11-25P, Paschetto Major Home Occupation – request for a 5-year renewal for an electrology office on property located at 89 Glenwood Road, A-30 zone
Pacekonis made motion to approve the above mentioned application with the following conditions.
Operation of the office is restricted to the present owner.
The permit will expire on 9/13/ 2016, and will have to be renewed at that time.
Hours of operation limited to: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.; Sunday and Monday closed
Keuhnel seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

  • Appl. 11-24P, Evergreen Walk LLC - Request for a modification to~General~Plan of Development~layout associated with existing Special Exception, ~Application #07-42P, which was approved on October 7, 2007~ [including 200 residential dwelling units and associated facilities], and Final Plan approval, both pursuant to Section 4.2.15~to include: relocation of residential~structures [totaling 203,447 square feet]; 109,755 square feet of commercial space [121 hotel rooms (71,550 square feet)]; general commercial space (9,800 square feet); office space (28,405 square feet)]; to be completed in two phases and to be located on a portion of 151 Buckland Road [within "Evergreen Walk"~ ~including portions of Units 6 and 7], and being approximately 1,200 feet west of Buckland Road and 400 feet north of Smith Street; ~Buckland Road Gateway Development Zone.
Commissioners discussed the application.  Some concerns were raised about the phasing and bonding proposed, the consensus was that the developer did have a lot at stake and the PZC should give them the opportunity to move forward.  

Commissioner Pacekonis made a motion to approve Appl. 11-24P, Evergreen Walk LLC - Request for a modification to~General~Plan of Development~layout associated with existing Special Exception with the following conditions:

Site Plan of Development approval is required prior to construction, per Section 4.2.15.D of the zoning regulations. Construction phasing must be included on Site Plan of Development if appropriate.
No building permits will be issued until any required STC certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
The Commission notes that this approval is for a General Plan of Development, which does not address all engineering and site design details.
Carroll seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

  • Commissioner Pacekonis made a motion to approve the site plan modification for Appl. 11-24P, Evergreen Walk LLC - Request for a modification to~General~Plan of Development~layout associated with existing Special Exception, ~Application #07-42P, which was approved on October 7, 2007~ [including 200 residential dwelling units and associated facilities], and Final Plan approval, both pursuant to Section 4.2.15~to include: relocation of residential~structures [totaling 203,447 square feet]; 109,755 square feet of commercial space [121 hotel rooms (71,550 square feet)]; general commercial space (9,800 square feet); office space (28,405 square feet)]; to be completed in two phases and to be located on a portion of 151 Buckland Road [within "Evergreen Walk"~ ~including portions of Units 6 and 7], and being approximately 1,200 feet west of Buckland Road and 400 feet north of Smith Street; ~Buckland Road Gateway Development Zone with the following modifications:
  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
  • This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including bonds in the amount of  $50,000 to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls; $50,000 for construction of stormwater systems; and $30,000 for wetland plantings.
  • A landscape bond in the amount of $50,000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars.
  • All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy.
  • An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Article 9.1.2.B of the Zoning Regulations.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority.
  • The building street number must be included on the final plan.
  • Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas.
  • All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected.
  • If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS §14-311).
  • The Town Engineer’s review comments dated September 8, 2011, as revised 9/13/11 must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer.
  • The zoning data table must include all zoning data (e.g. parking and open space) and included on the plans to be filed in the Town Clerk’s office.
The phasing of the improvements of the required open space should be clarified on the plans.
  • Architectural elevations for all non-residential building in Phase II must be reviewed by the Architecture and Design Review Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to issuance of building permits.
  • The Fire Chief’s comments regarding fire hydrant locations must be added to the plans.
  • The conditions of the site plan phasing of the Development Area Plan are subject to the “Phasing Sequence for Final Plan” document submitted by the applicant and included as Attachment A.
  • The blinking light for the pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Evergreen Way and Tamarack Ave be must be evaluated for its effectiveness prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy in Phase 2.
  • The Recreational trail shown for phase 1 must be connected to the trail in phase 2 and extended north up to unit 8.
  • A school bus shelter must be added to the plans in a location designated by the Board of Education in compliance with current policies.
  • The developer must examine the sequencing of the traffic lights along Buckland Road and make adjustments ad appropriate.
  • Roof top screening for the hotel must be added to screen the any mechanical units from Buckland Road.  
Commissioner Carroll seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous

8/16/11 Minutes were adopted by consensus.
Lipe mentioned that there were two areas of the Town Plan revision that staff could cover in order to cut down on the cost.   One was the final presentation and the second was the survey.  One option was to minimize the phone survey to a 400 people phone survey or create a survey through survey  

Commissioners agreed cutting back cost on the survey to save approximately $11,000.  

Commissioner Pacekonis made a motion to adjourn at 12 AM. Commissioner G. Pitcock seconded.
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted:

Maria Acevedo
Recording Secretary